Advance Your Career With Answers From The Marketing Guru!

Get quick answers to all your marketing questions from an award winning global CMO with over 30 years experience leading Fortune 500 brands across 200 countries.

Be resourceful, recognized
and rewarded with the
GoToCMO career improvement plan.

Our Solution

Marketers today are often isolated from senior leaders and don’t have opportunities to engage or learn from them. And as budgets get cut, so do training programs. So how is a marketer to grow across their field and move up into the top spots?

GoToCMO provides today’s marketers with immediate access to executive advice for all career related questions. Improve your chances for promotion by leveraging GoToCMO for your career improvement plan.

Marketing Answers

Have job related questions and can’t rely on your manager for answers?

GoToCMO will advise on everything from ideas, skills, vendor solutions, decision making, people management, to meeting prep and presentations and so much more!


Are you lacking opportunities to learn and grow at work?

GoToCMO is your solution. Be mentored by a corporate executive who will listen to your questions, insights and problems, and provide a unique perspective. You’ll get ongoing tips, strategies, training and coaching to ensure you reach the highest level of success in your career.


Want to take on more responsibilities at work but have no one to turn to for training?

Continued training of cross-disciplinary marketing skills is key to future advancement. Don’t turn to You Tube or weeks long online MOOCs from academics with no real life experiences. The GoToCMO can work with you on a specific skill, understanding or an in-depth explanation of a marketing vertical.

Learn to strengthen skills to be an effective leader

Success Stories

"As a young professional in today’s competitive industry, it can be hard to know how to navigate the interview and offer process. Gail offered invaluable advice while I was going through the hiring process, giving me feedback on negotiations and relocations. Most of my friends have the same level of job experience I do so while I appreciate their advice, it’s similar to my own experiences. Being able to pick the brain of someone who has been so professionally successful was something I truly valued, and Gail helped me by advising me on what to ask for in my offer, as well as what questions I may not have been thinking of during negotiations. It’s not often that you have access to someone who has been in such senior leadership positions at Fortune 500 companies and is willing to answer questions and provide advice on the spot to younger professionals. Having Gail in my corner has helped me see the success in my career I’d always hoped for."

Brenda W.
Social Media Leader

"Gail taught me to never be afraid to be heard and that all point of views matter when it comes to strategizing and expanding on-going initiatives. Gail encouraged me to take on additional projects and brought to light skills I did know I had. Even as entry level employee Gail continued to coach on me the importance of building partnerships, connecting thoughts, and always looking ahead when it comes digital marketing. The skills I obtained are extremely vital and valuable.

Gail Galuppo became my mentor, coach and advisory all at once in less than year. My life has been impacted tremendously because of her guidance and allowed me to expand my career as a project manager at a top 15 global company."

Ty C.
Project Manager

"I cannot stress the importance of mentors in today’s competitive environment. Not only for encouragement and advice, but also to challenge and evolve your ideas/thoughts. Personally, I was lucky enough to have Gail as my mentor. No longer did I have to go through search queries only to find high level input from lifelong academics with slim to no real life application of theories. I also quickly stopped leveraging YouTube videos as a means for input while having to identify what was real from fake or opinion from fact. Gail was an open book and willing to share her real life experiences from her diverse background not just as an entrepreneur, but also from her roles in Fortune 500 companies. While I can provide examples upon examples of lessons learned, I will speak to three major lessons. Lesson #1: Attribution is king. To this day, this thought has guided me in prioritization as well identifying optimization strategies and ultimately proving success. Lesson #2: Do not be change adverse but instead become change agents. Often we as marketers allow ourselves to be disrupted instead of leading and being disruptors. Lesson#3: Integrated marketing is not a myth. Digital vs. traditional and the everlasting battle. Under Gail’s mentorship, I was for the first time in my career, able to see the importance of how both can truly and seamlessly work together. Whether for awareness or for lead generation, both are possible and with the correct approach very fruitful. I can without a doubt say Gail as a mentor has been invaluable and will continue to be an important influence in my career."

Enrique C.
Sr. Manager, Digital Demand Generation
Amazon Web Services

"Gail has an immense wealth and depth of experience in marketing and financial services, customer insights and segmentation. Her patience, insights and tireless ability to listen, coach and guide was invaluable. It’s a talent, but one that can be taught, and I hope others have the opportunity to benefit from her skills and experience."

Christian G.
Formerly, Head of Intellectual Property, Legal & General Counsel
Standard Chartered Bank


"Starting your career as a young professional post-graduation can be tough. While there is a lot of knowledge learned in the classroom and through your first couple of years in the workforce there are still decades of real-world experience that you lack compared to the person next to you that has been in the industry about as long as you’ve been alive. This is where Gail has been instrumental in the beginnings of my professional career.

While I’d like to think I know how to do every aspect of my job on paper, there are many challenges that arise on a daily basis that any college degree or internship can’t help me overcome. This is where it is helpful to be able to go to someone with decades of corporate experience and lean on them for their knowledge, experience, and advice. Taking advice like this from those around me who have done what I am doing today well before I have and learning from them is what lets me stand out in my organization and move closer towards reaching my ultimate career goals."

Bradley K.
Director, Content Marketing
Camping World & Gander Outdoors

"I am extremely lucky to have received mentorship & guidance from Gail. As a professional par excellence & as a CMO for Fortune 500 companies, I found Gail to be a true Marketing leader and a visionary who was always ahead of the curve. Gail always looked into the future, had a keen eye of numbers and wanted to bring innovation into every step of the way, be it through futuristic technology or marketing concepts beyond the day. Gail was also as imaginative and innovative in her ideas as she was in bringing those ideas to life.

I have to definitely mention the most important quality that Gail possesses - which is her ability to connect at a personal with everyone she works with. Despite her professional level, Gail always took the time out to understand everyone, transcend cultural and interpersonal boundaries, and to treat everyone at par and as adults. I found the people working with Gail to be happy, motivated and bubbling with ideas. These values make me not to hesitate when referring to her leadership as John Maxwell would often refer as the highest form or a “Pinnacle”.

Since my time working with Gail, I have continued to seek help & mentorship when I needed her support and always found her to be available, accommodating and genuinely interested in helping me succeed. I am indeed very glad to have found such a solid mentor at the right time in my career and will always owe part of my success ahead to her.

Vignesh C V
Sr. Director, Head of Analytics


"During my 20 year professional life, I've had the opportunity to work with and for all sorts of C- Suite executives from around the world, each one with his/her own unique management and leadership style.

Gail has been the go-to person for guidance and coaching. Whether be it at a fortune 500 company or a vibrant startup, Gail helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses for each of the organizations I worked for, guided me on how to successfully manage cross-functional roles, but most importantly how to unlock my full potential both as a manager and a person.

Having direct access to such an experienced, talented, and trustworthy person has been pivotal to my personal growth."

Konstantinos K.
Independent Account Executive


"Gail is the exactly the kind of mentor you want on your side as you grow a career. As a social media editor newly navigating a large corporate environment, I was lucky she helped grow mine. Inspiring, positive, direct, Gail sets direction—all while being your biggest cheerleader and champion. That's an essential relationship to have in a rapidly changing world—and a rapidly changing work work world.

Gail saw my talents. She saw me. That's no small thing. She'll get you to a place of, Yes, I can and then making sure you actually do. She's a true supporter of women in the workplace.

Who Gail is as a person is only half the benefit of working with her. She also happens to be a deeply experienced CMO with vision and passion. All of those years of knowledge means she's like a walking wikipedia for all things brand, marketing, customer journey, and KPI. And yes, she loves to share all of that wisdom with others.

No matter where you want to go (even if you don't exactly know your path or your end game), Gail will help you get there."

Jill D.
Content Marketing Director


"It’s been over 22 years I have been on a continued journey in entrepreneurship and corporate career. My job takes me to countries, and to offices of blue-chip companies where I get a chance to meet global leaders of top corporations of the world. And once in a decade you meet a leader who redefines the meaning of leadership. Gail is one of those leaders with a combination of rare skill set. She demands laser precision in business initiatives and have zero tolerance for complacency. However, somehow she magically maintains a balance of compassion and empathy as well. This is a guideline for all the leaders under her that after all we are humans and that’s s what sets human race apart from machines. Her this style of leadership had a deep impact on me and I have improved as a person and as a leader. And it has helped me improve in my personal life and business life."

Muhammad I.
Managing Director / Partner.
Insight Group, Pakistan

"Gail is a proven business leader, a trusted CMO and is the best mentor I’ve had in my career as a marketer over the last 15+ years. What I love about Gail is how she brings a vision and strategy to life, and then empowers teams and individuals to take action and drive successful outcomes, no matter how big or small. I’m particularly grateful for Gail’s strong ability to coach me and help me accelerate my career from an individual contributor of marketing to a functional team leader of people, processes and large cross-functional business initiatives responsible for multi-billion-dollar customer acquisition. Gail’s leadership not only helped me hone my executive presence as I learned how to navigate this on the job, but she coached me on my communications and strategies needed to be more influential in an organization. As I continue to map out future goals and steps in my career, I often ask myself, “What would Gail Galuppo do?”

Crystal M.
VP, Marketing


"Gail was the spark behind my first patent and the launch of my product development and research company that thrived for 11 years. Her positive energy, encouragement, creativity, and ability to quickly identify one's biggest opportunities, as well as her insights on navigating the corporate maze, were the top contributor to not only a successful, but blissfully happy career progression. When I shifted back to a corporate environment that included a Big-4 consulting firm and an agile tech leader, she continued to support me while encouraging me to never give up on the source of the sparkle -- my passion to use innovation to make the world a better place for all. No one has been a bigger fan, more trusted advisor, or supporter than Gail. One of her greatest achievements is the credit she gives and shares with everyone who works with her. A leader, a star, a trusted advisor, a visionary."

Babs R.
Digital Lending Lead
Javelin Strategy & Research


"Gail is a natural mentor and clearly has a passion for developing others. She always challenged me to push my limits and think outside of the box, to find a path to yes rather than accepting things as they were. What resonated the most was the value of becoming a generalist and continuously challenging myself with something new. Thank you, Gail, for empowering and challenging me always to think big!"

Katie W.
Director, US Innovation


"The first time I met Gail was around 10 years ago in Cairo when we were working together on a mobile payments partnership. I was impressed by her professionalism and integrity at work. Having said that, with her support and her great vision of the business, I acquired a lot of values and experience that had a great effect on my carrier going forward. Moreover, she is one of the few people that I can trust when it comes to professional advice."

Tarek W.
Marketing Director
Telecom Egypt


"Gail Galuppo is a brand herself. She's always inspiring and available with with her best-in-class strategic advice and guidance—even though I was thousands of miles and time zones away. Her understanding of brand is prolific and strategy is world class. She has an amazing skill to connect brand attributes to the larger goals of an organization and monetization. I'll always call on her as my mentor."

Tanvir A.
Country Lead
WEConnect International

"Gail Galuppo has been a fantastic mentor and supporter in my career and in life. She’s incredibly innovative, warm and insightful and is one of the best leaders I’ve known."

Kelly M.
Founder & CEO
Scout Story Lab and Little Sous, Inc.

"Still young and learning, Gail’s support and mentorship to me was priceless in managing and maneuvering across the politics at the leadership level."

Kenneth L.
Head of Shared Services
Nanyang Technological University Singapore

"As someone who reported to her, I can say Gail Galuppo is the very definition of the term “inspirational leader”. Her energy is infectious, and she truly knows the right levers to pull to get the very best out of her team as well as her peers. Her coaching and support make people want to deliver. Whether it is a conference room or boardroom, Gail knows how to command a room, articulate a vision and layout strategy needed to bring that vision to fruition. In Gail, you are getting world-class thought leadership, next level, innovative thinking, and approachable governance all rolled into one; which is a rare combination of talent in the c-suite these days."

Tracy A.
Director, Product Marketing

"To say that Gail changed my life may sound dramatic, but it is absolutely the truth. She recognized potential in me that I didn’t see in myself, suggested I take a new role, and helped me grow. Under her mentorship, I was not only challenged and learned a great deal, but I also gained confidence in my abilities. She continues to help me grow in my career. When considering a new job, she not only offered advice on how to prepare for the interview, but helped me “know my worth” and negotiate through the process. Having Gail in my corner helped me TRANSFORM my career, and I am forever grateful. I am very thankful to have her as a friend and mentor, and would not be where I am today without her help and guidance!"

Ivey E.
Digital Marketing Director
Childcare Network, Inc.

"Gail is a progressive leader and very passionate about new ideas and innovation, and you notice these quality the first time you interact with her. While working for her in the Group Decision Science team, I always had the freedom, support, coaching and motivation from her to innovate and provide the best analytics solution to the business units. She had set the examples that I want to follow and emulate, and that alone has helped me a lot in my career."

Chee Kiat L.
Principal Solutions Consultant
Temenos Singapore

"During her time in Singapore. Gail invested in up-skilling me and other marketing staff across the network with curated training and many looked to her as a mentor, not just a marketing expert. Gail made time to coach me and showed me that being a people-centric manager is a key leadership success factor. I am forever grateful and truly blessed to know Gail."

Cyndy T.
Director Business Development
Water’s Edge, Pte Ltd Singapore

“Through Gail’s insights and advice, I was able to build analytical capabilities that delivered value for the organization and helped drive strategic direction. I was able to get broad, objective feedback on my effectiveness in delivering on my objectives, and she was able to provide actionable recommendations for career growth and improvement. Gail guided and coached me through complex political situations and provided valuable insight into handling executive-level interactions. Gail is professional, transparent and trustworthy— you can discuss confidential situations without reservation. Her mentoring has been invaluable throughout my career and she is my role model for leadership excellence."

Shila F.
Former Vice President, Global Analytics & Insight
Western Union

"Gail has been the true inspiration for me when I started out in the marketing field. She made things simple and taught me to analyze systematically and strategically. Her charming personality has shown me what real leader is truly like. My confidence and work skill strengthened with her coaching. She saw in me what I can achieve ahead of my own realization."

Senior Brand Manager, APAC

"Gail coached me through a very difficult chapter in my career. I had eagerly accepted the opportunity to step into a prestigious “stretch assignment” and once there quickly realized that I was in over my head, did not have the resources I needed to succeed, and was paired with an openly hostile business partner. Gail helped me extricate myself from that role and move into a position that was a much better fit. My take away lesson was that my career success was dependent upon knowing my strengths and aligning myself with roles that were a good fit for me, even if others were pushing me in another direction. I learned that it is OK to say no to an opportunity if it is not the right fit. Her coaching has served me well throughout my career – thank you Gail!"

Heather K.
Chief of Staff
Pediatric Associates


"As a high level executive, I thought Gail would have no time for the 29 years old Marketing Manager's challenges and issues. She not only dedicated a day for me on her very short business trip to Dubai, but she was always in touch to mentor me on developing my problem solving, product development and strategic thinking skills which significantly helped me develop my professional life. I will forever be grateful to Gail."

Dina J. Aslan
Management Consultant


"Gail and I have known each other for over eight years. Throughout that time, Gail's mentorship has always "pushed me up". Her guidance and direction consistently set me up for success. But that's not to say it is always easy, because growth doesn't come from staying in a comfort zone. I value every conversation with Gail, and always appreciate her time and insights."

Derek R.
Vice President, Marketing
Kiddie Academy

"I've known Gail for more than 10 years. In that time my career has grown and evolved significantly and that wouldn't have been possible without the guidance and mentorship I received from her. Gail provided seasoned advice on refining strategies, making tough decisions and building your own personal brand. She also advises on how to develop a work environment that is as rewarding as it is challenging. I can always count on her for the truth and the opportunity to ask questions and get the an honest response. I'm grateful to have access to someone who can see my faults, gifts and opportunities when I cannot. I continue to use Gail as my mentor throughout my career progression".

Meghan W.
Business Leader of Creative Management
Progressive Insurance

"I have worked for a variety of top advertising agencies with many creative, forward thinkers, and I can still say without a doubt that I experienced some of the most innovative initiatives and strategies while working with Gail.

It was evident to me that Gail had a passion for investing in and coaching millennials when working with her as a marketer a fortune 500 company. She took the time to meet one-on-one with me and provide helpful feedback. It was extremely rare of someone her level to make time for someone brand new and low on the totem pole like me, but she did.

Fast forward two years and I now I own my own business and am the happiest I have been in my career. Gail taught me many lessons, but she also helped give me confidence. Her poise, intelligence, and level of forward thinking is still something I look up to her for to this day.

Gail is one of the smartest executives that you'll meet, yet also the most down to earth. One story I remember that illustrates this perfectly is one of my first times speaking with Gail in her office for a lunch meeting. Custom sandwiches were passed out. We started eating, then Gail realized I was eating her sandwich. I was mortified that I was eating the CMO's sandwich, but she thought it was no big deal. We switched and she still ate her sandwich (even with my big bite taken out of it.) It's a silly story, but I think this describes what it's like to work with Gail.

Danielle K.
Founder & CEO
Marketing Influencer & Mom

"In my late 20’s, I was very lucky to have Gail as a mentor. Her depth of experience and knowledge, focus on growing talent to their full potential, and her innovative mindset were tremendously helpful to me while I was navigating my early career. I would highly recommend Gail as an executive coach and source of mentorship for the millennial generation.”

Rebecca M.
SVP, Head of Americas Product and Business Development
Western Union


“I’ve worked with Gail across multiple blue-chip corporate and brand engagements. She is always focused on understanding both “what works” AND “what lasts”. The goal of driving relevancy and sustainable, profitable growth is at the center of her marketing orientation. Gail emphasizes knowing not just the best tools, but first asking the right questions and knowing “what good looks like” in terms of outcomes before choosing which marketing tools and assets to deploy. These are the principles she has used to drive successful brands and develop successful marketing leaders.”

Jack Phifer
Board Advisor
Moroch Partners

"Gail’s coaching, training, mentorship and guidance has prepared me to move up in a Fortune 100 company from a field manager/consultant to an Executive Level Director. She has experience with Executives, Marketing and Fortune 100 companies that was valuable to my growth and development. When growing in your career it’s important that you are ready for the tap on the shoulder for advancement within in your current company or outside your current company. Gail empowered me to be proactive in my career and work on development. The most powerful coaching advice she gave me was to be a generalist and not a specialist if you want to advance. This was a pivotal piece of advice in my career advancement. Gail also encouraged me to take intentional career moves that ended up putting me in a position for explosive growth. Gail is straightforward, candid, brilliant and experienced. Thank you Gail for helping me land my dream role within my company."

Jamie G.
Market Director

"Gail's honest feedback on what she noticed that I was doing right and doing wrong was invaluable. I took that feedback, dusted myself off and dug deep into where I wanted to get better. Gail's open-mindedness, bravery, and attention to detail have always energized me. Gail is remarkable."

John R.
The Backup CEO

"Gail has helped me in my career by drawing on her extensive marketing accomplishments and helping to make them my accomplishments. She can take a marketing success from any industry she has worked in and finds the applicability for my current challenge. The best part is that she gives you just enough of the details and resources that she utilized and lets you take it from there. Gail has been the seed idea in many of my marketing success stories over the years. Also, she has an infectious drive that makes you want to get out there and get results!"

Megan Bettinger
Sr. Marketing Consultant
Fiserv, Inc.

"When it comes to mentorship and career advice there are plenty of paths to take, but with her C-Suite executive experience Gail is an encouraging, trustworthy resource. Gail used her industry knowledge to get me to challenge myself, and consider new opportunities that were not on my radar. GoToCMO is an investment now, that will ensure a positive outcome.

Working with Gail has me thinking from time to time “what would Gail do?” From time to time during my long hours at work I use Gail’s C-suite experience as a motivator-especially since I am the only female in my group."

Abby M.
Valuation Associate
MetLife Investment Management

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